Social Audits

About Social Audit
A Social Audit is conducted to evaluate the factory’s social responsibilities according to the International Standard. Social Audit is also known as Social Compliance Audit or Ethical Standard Audit.
Importance of Social Compliance Audit
- Protects your brand image and reputation among your consumers and global marketplace.
- Helps to ensure if the factory adheres to local laws related to social accountability.
- Provides necessary information on employee welfare, working condition and necessary improvements.
- Gives you a transparent view on supplier practices which can help you to take the decision easily.
- Develop new markets and customers by differentiating your company from your competitors.
- It helps to operate in countries with poor human rights records.
We investigate on factories social roles on
- Child Labour
- Forced Labour
- Under waged
- Over time waged
- Working hours
- Social benefits
- Health & Safety
- Protection of the Environment.
An audit will look for violations involving child labour. Adherence to local and national laws will generally mean that a supplier is compliant with this section. Besides age restrictions, the standard also requires that:
• Young workers meet compulsory education laws and do not work doing school hours
• Young workers do not work more than eight hours per day; and
• Children or young workers are not subject to unsafe working conditions
This requirement ensures that a supplier is not employing forced or slave labour and not withholding personal documents, salary, or benefits from workers. It also requires that staff have the right to leave the workplace at the end of each workday.
Forced labour is an important aspect of social compliance that has made its way into some specific legislature outside of voluntary standards.
This Audit will investigate whether Suppliers are paying a living wage to workers. Wages paid need to be enough to cover basic needs of the staff and allow for discretionary income.
The standard dictates that the supplier cannot withhold or deduct wages for disciplinary reasons, unless permitted by national law or collective bargaining agreement. Suppliers must also reimburse workers salary as defined by national law or collective bargaining agreement.
Workers spent additional hours to meet productivity goals to be paid as per overtime rates defined by national law. Generally monthly wage for piece rate workers is determined based on the average wage paid over the prior 12 months.
Suppliers are required to allow at least one day of rest following six consecutive days of working. But an exception is made for national laws that allow for more work time and agreements reached by collective bargaining.
Benefits are any perks offered to employees in addition to salary. The most common benefits are medical, disability, and life insurance; retirement benefits; paid time off; and fringe benefits.
Health and safety are a broader requirement concerning minimizing or eliminating hazards in the workplace. This section has many areas in common with the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 in the United States. There are some specific requirements, such as:
• Organizations must assess health risks for new, expectant and nursing mothers
• Staff must be provided with appropriate protective equipment (e.g., hardhats, gloves, respirators); and
• Staff must have free access to clean toilet facilities, potable water, and sanitary facilities for food storage
Environmental audit is a general term that can reflect various types of evaluations intended to identify environmental compliance and management system implementation gaps, along with related corrective actions.
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