Why RSJ Inspection

Why RSJ?
We are an ISO 17020 accredited Independent Third-Party Inspection Service company with the Purpose of “Responsible Value Creation.” We work on behalf of our valuable customers, as your Quality control partner to secure your products by performing the job with our Core Values.
- Integrity
- Impartiality
- Confidentiality
- Commitment
- Transparency
RSJ is a strong believer in sustainable value creation for long-term growth & success for our all-Stake holders (Clients, Manufacturers, Employees, Suppliers, Governance etc.)
Our Vision is “To be a highly Respected, Innovative, and Quality service provider.” As part of this belief and in line with Purpose & strategy, RSJ have few differentiators with respect to its peers. This identification was done using proven & latest tools like customer profiling, value profiling, differentiator profiling and brainstorming.
1. Customization
• Understanding the client’s Needs, Desire, Pain / Challenges and having a focused approach on it.
• Offering the solutions as per the client’s needs & challenges shared and customizing the co. operation proposal.
• Customizing the SOP’s, Work Instruction manual, Protocols, Special checkpoints as per request and need.
• Conducting & deliver services based on the Needs, Desire, Pain / Challenges addressed & providing customized reports to create value.
2. Convenience
• Ease of access (Single Point Contact),
• Reduced efforts (Reduced follow ups),
• Ease of communication (Instant messaging platforms)
3. Experience
• Human touch (In person or virtual engagements at various stages),
• Real time updates on key events (Q-Trak ® auto opening & closing meeting mails, Real time Q-Trak images access in WebQBMS®.)
We have Implemented a system – European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) to monitor the performance of our team to work efficiently & deliver quality work from desk to floor. We are proud recipient of Gold Plus recognition for business excellence in CII-EXIM Bank Award Program 2020. To know more detail about this, please visit our local office and we will be happy to discuss.
Timely & Committed Service
Once the service is completed, the actual findings will be mentioned in the RSJ report and ensure to send to the customer within 24 working hours (Inspection Reports) & 72 working hours (Audit Reports) to take decisions regarding their shipment / Factory. We can make sure for planning and conducting the Inspections / Audits in any factories by reaching within 48 working hours of service booking in Base locations.
We are working for the product quality Inspections in various countries like India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Vietnam by covering wide range of consumer goods (except food products) for the detailed view on product range, please visit our product coverage section.
Experienced Team
We have well-trained and qualified professional team of detailed in-depth knowledge in products and Inspection techniques.
Treating Everyone Equally
RSJ believes in flat hierarchy. We recommend everyone address our colleagues (RSJ Associates) using their first name (irrespective of designation), and not to use Sir or Madam at work place.
Customized Protocols
We do all customized Protocols and detailed RSJ Report format which are pre-filled as per our customer specifications at least a day before of the inspection date, to eliminate the chance for any loophole against requirements and specifications of customer to perform the inspection / audit on floor. The Customized pre-filled Protocol will be handed over to our Quality Engineers to go through all requirements of customer thoroughly in advance. This will help the Quality Engineers to understand the customer's requirements well, and to carry out the Inspection in well efficiently, accurately, in an effective manner.
RSJ have its own online Portal system WebQBMS®, in which the user Id, password will be created and given for to each individual customer. This will help the customer to know the actual status update from the beginning stage to the end stage. Through WebQBMS®, Customer can book the order & review the required details like Invoice, pricing details, booking forms, previous completed Inspection reports etc. within a few minutes in easy manner. This system helps the customer to track completely about our working standards, procedures, and their order status.
Q-Trak ®
We use mobile app Q-Trak ® to track live inspections through images, auto-opening & closing meeting mails with manufacturers, geotag location captures etc.
We use advanced inspection kits (tools) to eliminate equipment errors and monitor the records of calibrations.
Our service provides comparatively low risk & the best solution for your problems in the market to create value for your business & growth. We put in our best efforts to meet or exceed our customer requirements without affecting the quality or service standard and delivery timings. This is key to our success.
Lets Get Started! Get your products Inspected today!
You can either book an appointment for a conversation or send a message to us! We will review your request within 24 hrs and get back to you!